Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Winds of Change

I am sitting here this morning thinking about all the changes that are about to happen with our family this summer. The big thing is I have resigned and my last day of work is Friday. 5 more days.

Now, I never really thought of this as a "real" job...I've always said my last "real" job was 8 years ago (did I actually say eight? OMG!!) when I worked as Director of Human Resources for a division of about 350 restaurants. Tanker got really tired of following me around (3 moves in 3 years) and we settled in the middle of nowhere near his family. But this job allowed me to learn about a different industry and kept me busy during his deployment. And my coworkers were lifesavers during that time.

It is time to move on...or actually get my priorities straight and be more available to Tanker and Bonnie Blue. She is almost done with high school and, before we know it, she will be gone. She never has really been good at entertaining herself and the thoughts of her being on her own, at this age, for 11 hours a day was not very appealing to me. She has a friend that she spends WAY too much time with (that whole story will be left for another day) so I am trying to keep her busy. So far we have planned...

  • Driver's Ed...2 weeks of 0830 to 1130.
  • Trip to visit my family up north for a wedding. (This will be WAY cool. My family has not seen Tanker since he got back from the sandbox.)
  • Bonnie Blue is going to be a youth counselor for our National Guards Kids AT.
  • Working on a trip to the Gulf Coast with my best friend.
  • Little Bubba is going to visit over 4th of July with his soon to be step-daughter.
  • And, of course, we will be able to spend more time with Tanker. His schedule will be less flexible this summer and won't be able to come home as much as he has this spring.

This puts us through about the middle of July. If I can handle all the driving we should be busy! And I was worrying about what I would do if I wasn't working!!

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